Sunday, April 16, 2006

Summer Ramblings

More Rambling thoughts as summer nears… 4/15/06

The November elections are coming quickly and appear critical for the survival of the Democratic Party as we have known it for the past 60-70 years. The power that they once wielded during the Roosevelt, Truman, Kennedy and Johnson years was awesome. As a matter of fact, during that period (and intermittently thereafter) the Republican Party was almost non-existent. During the late 60’s and after the failure of Goldwater in the presidential election of 1964, the party began to gain some momentum with the likes of Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan and Gerald Ford. A speech by Ronald Reagan during that Republican Presidential convention of 1964 might have been the beginning of the new, revitalized party. Of course, the failure of Johnson’s attempts to win the Vietnam War and his “guns and butter” social politics (that nearly bankrupted the country and may still do so if remedies are not invoked that reverses the payments of the so-called entitlements to the special interest groups in this country… but more on that in another paper), contributed heavily to the re-emergence of the GOP.

The rise of the conservative movement in the Republican Party in the 1980s was the single most significant occurrence of the late twentieth century. It was primarily responsible, not only for the growing economic prosperity in this country, but, led by Ronald Reagan, provided the “killing blow” that caused the fall of the Soviet Union and ended the “cold war.” By it’s successes; it also began to expose the failings of the socio-economic practices of Europe that continue to this day (as evidenced by the recent rioting in France and the elections in Germany that have moved to the country back to the right). The European countries have been moving to a secular, socialist style of democracy for many years. Only the UK has maintained a responsible, democratic republic; but perhaps the German electoral successes might indicate a new direction on the continent.

The elections of the Republicans to both houses of congress in 1992 and 1996 despite the loss of the White House enabled the country to continue on its economic recovery. Bill Clinton was the recipient of much of the credit that the republican dominated congress actually accomplished during this time. The Clinton Whitehouse during that period while benefiting from the economic progress did everything possible to destroy our ability to continue our “cold war” on the new enemy, Terrorism, that almost instantly replaced Soviet Russia as our adversary. His tax increase legislation of 1993 had little success in de-railing the Gingerich led movement to spur our economy.

It is my opinion that the Islamic Extremists began an effort to control the world for Islam mid way through the latter 1/2 of the twentieth century, although many experts actually believe that the Crusades of the Middle Ages have never ended for the Muslim world. Never the less, in my opinion, they actually declared war during the 1970s culminating with the hostage crises in Iran after the Shah was deposed. This was the first indication of the Mullahs attempts to control a country politically. Jimmy Carter was no match for the Ayatollah and it wasn’t until Reagan arrived that the hostages were freed. Did Reagan strike a bargain with the devil to accomplish this… yes he probably did, but it was at least a beginning in recognizing the danger in the Middle East. Many mistakes were made during the 80’s, including aiding Hussein in Iraq in a war with Iran. At the time, it appeared that Iran presented a greater threat than Iraq. Little did we know at that time and ironically, following Bush’s recent successes in Iraq, it appears that Iran has re-emerged as the major threat. Perhaps they have always been equally threatening without even our knowledge. When Clinton defeated George Bush 41 with only 36% of the popular vote (with the assistance of Ross Perot garnering an equal amount of votes as a third party candidate and depriving Bush 41 of those votes), it was the beginning of the end of many of our means to fight this growing threat. Bush 41 had failed to oust Hussein in the Desert Storm conflict settling for only the freedom of Kuwait and bowing to public opinion (egged on by the Democrats), to get the troops out of Iraq. It was a mistake!!!! But only the first of many. The Clinton administration all during the 1990’s stripped our CIA and FBI of any ability to monitor the world for the dangerous terrorist groups wherever they resided and created nearly impossible conditions for the exchange of information with agencies that could evaluate dangers for the country. Jamie Gorelick, General Counsel for the Department of Defense during the Clinton years was directly responsible for these moves and ironically became part of the commission to determine the reasons for 9/11!!! Unbelievable.. It was during this time that it became apparent that the Islamic danger was resident in many countries and was being perpetrated by their governments. Evidence has been revealed that shows that schools throughout the Muslim world teach hatred for the Jews and for the western world, most notably the USA. No wonder it has not been difficult for them to recruit “kamikaze” warriors to explode themselves in the name of Allah anywhere in the world.

I suppose we all know just exactly where we were on September 11, 2001 when a group of terrorists commandeered several airline jets and crashed them into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. It was an awakening for the country…. NO ONE could have foreseen the actualality of this occurring and the world was shocked. Of course, there were a lot of pre-warning and incidents that could have been dealt with to make this situation impossible, but NO ONE actually seen this coming. Everyone involved in the international community and with governmental matters knew of some threats and the possibility of something occurring as in 1993, but continued to only acknowledge these and basked in a false sense of US security. Certainly, Bill Clinton missed opportunities after the 1993 bombing of the same World Trade building in New York and had Bin-Laden in his hands before failing to follow through with his capture or his death. It was known at the time that he was the money and the mastermind of the attacks on the USA up to that time.

Mind you, I’m not blaming Clinton for not preventing 9/11, only that he had opportunities that if 9/11 could have been possibly foreseen … there were opportunities that could have been dealt with in a different way. Was there evidence that something sinister might happen??? Of course there was.. But NO ONE could possibly imagine that our country would be hit in its largest city in this manner or that the symbol of our defense department, the pentagon would take such a hit. After these attacks, GW Bush promised retaliation and safety for the American people as long as he could provide it. He swore to get those responsible. His popularity soared and the country was behind him to punish the perpetrators and make the world safe for democracy and he proceeded to do just that. No leader has shown more determination and grit than W in the years that followed. His actions have been reminiscent of Lincoln and Churchill who also endured much criticism to do what was right. The Democrats were infuriated at his popularity after nearly defeating him in the election of 2000. Some democrats still believe that the election was stolen and the hatred for Bush began almost immediately. They began to develop a strategy crafted after the likes of far leftists George Soros and Michael Moore. Moore had produced an anti-Bush film trying to dis-credit Bush after 9/11 and repel his re-election bid in 2004 that was not well received by most clear thinking Americans. No one dreamed when this movie came out that it would actually become the focal point of the Democratic parties platform for the mid-term elections of 2006. The demo’s had tried everything to dis-credit Bush before the presidential election of 2004, but could not de-rail his re election. The number of instances of attacks on Bush and his character both before the election and after are too numerous to list in this document; however, suffice it to say it has been a barrage!!!!

Never the less, the flag waving enthusiasm of the period immediately following the 9/11 disasters is now waning. The people of the US are very fickle and also want so much to feel comfortable that they are now listening to the “garbage” that the Democratic Party has been disseminating for the sole purpose of re-gaining political power. It is apparent that the strategy is to dis-credit the Republican Party generally (Tom DeLay etc), the war effort in Iraq (by painting a picture of disaster) and to try to win by being the only other alternative. The Democratic Party has never offered alternative strategies (that make sense) or ideas to cause the general public to want change. The only opportunity available to their Party is to actually put the country in harm’s way by dis-crediting the Bush administration and it’s efforts to protect the American people. It has become their strategy to cause the people of the US to become disenchanted with the Iraq war by continuously making comparisons to the Vietnam conflict that was so unpopular in the 60’s and 70’s… their virtual hey day. It has been necessary to transform the country’s feelings from one of patriotic support to hate and distrust. They have repeatedly (with the aid of the liberal left wing main stream press) attacked and used anything that they could to make the administration appear impotent and worse… illegal!! They have cried, “He lied!!! And He is spying on you!!!” So much that the American people have begun to believe that some or all of this must be true. Of course, it is easy to form these opinions as 9/11 fades into history. How soon we forget!!! There is also the issue that the typical American is soft and that he/she has no stomach for war and worse yet, is so desirous of a vision of a trouble free world that they will succumb to this in the very light of danger. In some ways, GW’s success in fighting this Islamic threat has contributed to this Democratic madness. We have not had a reoccurrence and Bush has the terrorist playing defense instead of offense. The lefties counter this by saying that it was really never a threat anyway and that Bush only wanted to pursue the Iraq war for his personal gain. This is absolutely absurd!!! Bush had all the notoriety and money that he would ever need. He simply was able to see the world threat for what it is and acted accordingly. The only reason he invaded Iraq was because he could. Iraq was in violation of the UN directives and they failed to act leaving the US and Great Britain to do the job. Much came to light following the war as the connections of Hussein and Germany, Russia and France came to light. This country had kept the UN and the world at bay for years and fostered an image of a country that was bent on assisting the terrorists and developing weapons that would make that possible. Bush’s strategy was to develop a democracy in the middle of the problem to take care of the possible threat of WMDs and to serve as a model for the other countries. The cries that the Democratic left continues to chant… “NO WMDs” might one day be found to be very hollow as mounting evidence is being found to prove that there were and that these weapons had been moved before the invasion. Certainly would not have been hard as Bush waited a year trying to get the UN to act and gave Saddam ample opportunity to move anything anywhere without leaving a trace.

There has also been an argument perpetrated by the left and considered by the masses that this region cannot develop a western style democracy. Is it true that this region has a different culture?… Absolutely. But history tells us that it is one of the last to embrace the only possible system of government (democratic republic) that would allow the peaceful co-existence of an ever-increasing world population. Perhaps that’s the problem. Too many people and a world conflict cannot be avoided…. I don’t know. But I do know that if the extreme left wing of the Democratic Party gets control of this country that we will indeed become impotent to stop any worldwide invasion of out of control Islamic whackos. We will also lose any semblance of what we knew about this country in its first 200 years. It will become a mirror of what we now see in Holland and Sweden… a non-religious, secular group that knows only personal gratification as it’s reason for existence. How sad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .